Traditional Muay Thai


Beginners to fighters. All are welcome.

Located in Central Austin, we focus on building athletes and hobbyists from the ground up in a safe and supportive community.

Contact us today to try a class.

Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) is the art of eight limbs.

Using punches, elbows, knees, and kicks, Thai Boxing is great for fitness, self-defense, and builds mental and physical strength while having fun getting a full body workout. Our approach to training is inclusive and provides you with a safe and ego-free space to develop a new skill that builds lifelong relationships with others who share our passion.

A team focused environment.

Combining a traditional approach to classes focusing on beginners with a system that provides opportunities for growth as your skill level progresses, together, we will accomplish your goals.

Our classes are a blend of light contact partner drilling, pad work, and sparring both for beginners and advanced students.

Get a workout, meet good people, have fun. We are here for you. And if you want to compete, we will get you there.

1702 Aldridge Dr #A1
Austin, TX 78754